
The most secure and advanced tool to see exactly where to begin your research. Get powerful legal insights from pleadings, your (or opponent's) brief or moot problems, also find the most influential case laws for your case – all so you can make your best case.

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How DeepLex Works?

  • I

    Upload or drag and drop your document. This document can be a PDF, DOCX, or you can paste raw text.

  • II

    The document is encrypted using best algorithms to make sure that no one can access the contents of your document.

  • III

    The encrypted document is now transferred over a secure protocol to add an extra layer of security for your document.

  • IV

    The document is directly served into our proprietary artificially intelligent engine without saving or any human intervention.

  • V

    Get the most influential case laws, use insights from charts to cite the strongest authorities for your case.

❌ We do not store any document that you upload in DeepLex.

How to use DeepLex?

Tips to use DeepLex to its full potential.

A legal document can contain mutiple issues, How about the time when I am trying to focus on a particular issue?
With the current release, You can copy and paste excerpts discussing that particular issue to get recommendations only on that particular issue.
Though, In the next release of DeepLex we'll be integrating a functionality to let you choose from all the issues discussed, so you get more focussed insights and recommendations.
What should I do in case I do not get the results that I am looking for?
Well, this will happen only when the document you uploaded does not contains enough information about your case. In this case, you can edit your document, try adding the issues that you want to get recommendations for and upload again.

DeepLex FAQs

We very well understand your concern for the sensitive documents that you're uploading in the DeepLex. LegalMind does not share or store any file that are uploaded in the DeepLex engine. We promise we would never do that. 😊
LegalMind uses state-of-the-art industry standard protocols to transfer your file over the internet to ensure maximum security for any sensitive document that you want to analyse using DeepLex. But if you still aren't sure we recommend you not to upload sensitive documents.
DeepLex shows you exactly where to begin your research. You get targeted recommendations of relevant cases to explore. Read that again — this tool shows you which cases are likely to prove vital to your legal arguments.
Think about how much time you can save.
Sure. We want to help everyone. 😊
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